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DBA Student Research Guide: Marketing Management

This guide provides a list of research services and resources available to DBA students including: citation, dissertation writing and research guides, database recommendations and data sources.

Key Research Guides

DBA Student Research Guide

Marketing Research Guide

This guide lists eBooks, databases and websites on a variety of marketing topics including: consumer behavior, advertising, direct marketing, finding demographics and much more.

APA Citation

A guide containing instructions and examples for using APA citation style.

Citation Manager 

Citation Managers

What is a citation manager?

A citation manager is also called a reference manager and bibliographic manager.

It is a  database that you build – create lists of articles, eBooks, reports, videos, webpages, etc.

  • Software specially designed for students, scholars, and writers.
  • Formats and generates bibliographies (reference lists) using the citation style you specify.
  • Store, search and organize your research. Add notes, links, PDFs and other file types.

When should I use a citation manager?
Why use a citation manager?
What are my options?

Use the Citation Manager Guide to answer these questions and to find helpful resources.

See also: Citation Manager Guide

AMA Membership

Benefits of membership

Get a doctoral student membership to the American Marketing Association in order to access the full text of their publications online and to join the doctoral special interest group DocSIG.


Read doctoral dissertations in your field. 

Dissertations & Theses (via Proquest) - Millions of searchable citations to dissertations and theses from 1861 to the present day. Full text for most of the dissertations added since 1997. Add "golden gate university" to the University/institution search bar to limit to GGU dissertations and theses. Help Guide

DART-Europe E-theses Portal - Global access to European research theses.

EThOS - A national aggregated record of all doctoral theses awarded by UK Higher Education institutions.

Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations - Search 6 million electronic theses and dissertations contained in a global archive.

Diva Portal - DiVA Portal is a finding tool and an institutional repository for research publications and student theses written at 49 universities and research institutions.

Working Papers

These two sources offer working papers in marketing.

Social Science Research Network (SSRN) eLibrary - An open access database of working papers on a variety of topics. For Marketing topics, go to BROWSE>>>expand SOCIAL SCIENCES>>>expand Management Research Network; expand on MRN Marketing Network or click on that and then search within that network.

Marketing Science Institute Working Papers - (see special academic access under: "Opportunities for Academics")

Advertising & Society Quarterly (ASQ) access

Advertising & Society Quarterly (ASQ) Access

Many ASQ articles are freely available via Open Access. Search for available content by following the directions below. If an article you seek seems unavailable, email the article citation to and the library will see if it is available via interlibrary loan.

For access to articles in ASQ do the following: 

Go to:

Search within Advertising & Society Quarterly via the search box at the top  
OR choose a Volume number by scrolling down the page 

Citation Example: 
Political Advertising Then and Now: Assessing the Top Political Ads in American History.
Michael Franz, Advertising & Society Quarterly, Advertising Educational Foundation. 
Volume 21, Issue 3, Fall 2020. 10.1353/asr.2021.0006 

Conference Proceedings, Pre-Publication Works, and more...

Google Scholar is a good place to search for an author and to find conference proceedings, pre-publication works, and other gray literature. You can also find papers that cite a specific work.

To link to GGU library subscription databases (to find full text) from Google Scholar, you need to set the Library Links to GGU in Settings.

Use Google's advanced search box to improve the relevancy of your results. Google's Advanced Search

Academic, Trade, and News Articles

Use these databases to find academic, trade, and news articles.

You can limit your search to academic/scholarly publicationstrade magazinesnewspapers, etc.  Also, narrow your results by subject terms (in the database sidebar). Where available, utilize the thesaurus to search by the subject terminology that the database uses to tag articles.

Business Source Complete (via Ebsco) - Includes many business periodicals, market research reports, industry reports, country reports, and company profiles.

ProQuest (Multi-Database Search) T- Includes scholarly, trade, and news articles, including the Wall Street Journal and New York Times. Covers all subject areas.

SAGE Journals - Peer-reviewed articles covering a wide range of subject areas including business, humanities, social sciences, and science, technology, and medicine. Access all journal volumes/issues from January 1, 1999 to the present. Help Guide

SAGE Research Methods T- Supports research at all levels by providing material to guide users through every step of the research process. Help Guide


The library has lots of eBooks from several sources. You can see the various eBook collections on our E-Books databases list.

Ebook Central (via Proquest) - Find relevant ebooks and chapters; read online; search within the ebook; and highlight, take notes and bookmark pages in your online copy, stored on your bookshelf for you. Help Video

eBook Collection (via Ebsco) - Save and print eBook chapters, export citations, cite information, and search within chapters. Help Video

Gale eBooks - Formerly Gale Virtual Reference Library (GVRL). Digital access to reference and handbooks on company information, economics, industry information, and consumer behavior. Help videos

O'Reilly eBooks and Video T- More than 40,000 eBooks, videos, and interactive tutorials. Especially strong for IT and business-related resources

SAGE Knowledge T- Includes Sage Handbook of Advertising, Handbook of Marketing, Handbook of Marketing Scales, Encyclopedia of International Marketing, and others.

SAGE Research Methods - Learn about specific research methods and concepts. Helpful for designing research projects, understanding a particular method, or identifying a new method.

Other Places for E-Books