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O'Reilly eBooks and Video
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SAGE Knowledge
Hundreds of encyclopedias and handbooks on key topics in the social and behavioral sciences. User Guide
Ask a researcher: Christina Clark-Kazak on qualitative and participatory methods [Video] / Clark-Kazak, C. (Academic). (2022).
Conducting qualitative research with pallavi banerjee [Video] / Banerjee, P. A. (Academic). (2023).
The Data Detective: Ten Easy Rules to Make Sense of Statistics / Tim Harford. (2021).
Developing a mixed methods proposal: A practical guide for beginning researchers / DeCuir-Gunby, J., & Schutz, P. (2018)
The Mixed Methods Research Workbook: Activities for Designing, Implementing, and Publishing Projects / Fetters, M. (2023)
Qualitative comparative analysis in mixed methods research and evaluation / Kahwati, L., & Kane, H. (2021)
Qualitative dissertation methodology / Durdella, N. (2019).
Qualitative secondary analysis / Hughes, K., & Tarrant, A. (Eds.) (2023)
Research Methodology / Vinod Chandra. (2017)
Rigorous Data Analysis: Beyond Anything Goes / Roth, Wolff-Michael. (2015)
The sage handbook of qualitative business and management research methods / Cassell, C., Cunliffe, A. L., & Grandy, G. (2019)
SAGE mixed methods research / SAGE Publications, Inc. (2019).
Social Science Research: From Field to Desk / Czarniawska, B. (2022)
Using experimental methods to explore psycholinguistics [Video] / Nook, E. (Academic). (2023).
Working With Data Sources: Selecting Research Participants and Forming Research Samples / Durdella, N. (2019).
Writing Up and Presenting Results of Qualitative Data Analysis / Durdella, N. (2019).