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Accessing Library Databases: Linking to Database Content

This guide provides information on logging in to the library databases.

Database Linking

Linking directly to content (articles, videos, book chapters) in a library database from eLearning or a course syllabus is a great way to share information with others at Golden Gate University. Please follow the instructions below so that you know the links will work.

For some library databases, such as the EBSCO and ProQuest databases, you'll want to use a permalink. For other library databases, you'll need to create redirector links using the OpenAthens link generator tool. This way, anyone using the link will be directed to login to the library database through OpenAthens.

Linking to EBSCO Database Content

Linking to EBSCO Database Content

Use the permalink from the detailed record page in the database.

Here is a screenshot of a detailed record page for a journal article in the EBSCO database Academic Search Complete:



Use the document URL from the document details tab in the database.

Here is a screenshot of the details tab for a journal article in the ProQuest database ABI/INFORM Collection:

Database Screenshot


Linking to GALE Database Content

Use the Get Link option from the document page in the database.

Here is a screenshot of the Get Link option for a case study in the database GALE eBooks:

Database Screenshot

Linking to O'Reilly eBooks & Video Content

You are able to link directly to content in the O'Reilly eBooks and Video (formerly Safari) database.  You can copy the link from your browser and change the beginning part (before the word library) to make it accessible to anyone with a myGGU account.

In order to do this, grab the URL from the book or resoruce you want to link to and change the first part to include

For example, the book below has an original URL of

Adding the new part to the URL makes the linked URL


Linking to Content in Other Databases

For other library databases, you can use the URL from the browser if it includes information about OpenAthens:

  1. Find the content that you want to link to in the database
  2. Look at the URL in the browser
  3. You can use the URL if it includes

Some Examples:

If the browser URL in the library database does not have the OpenAthens proxy information, and isn't from an EBSCO, ProQuest, or GALE database, you'll need to create a redirector link using the OpenAthens link generator tool.