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APA Citation and University Writing: Examples

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APA Style examples

These examples are references. The examples demonstrate the style and format required for a reference list.

Need help with in-text citation style? Click the tab Citations & Reference List

APA 7 Style Guide Examples

APA Style Notes

The examples on this page should only be used as a guide. The following links are official APA Style resources:

APA Style FAQ [APA Style]

Quick Answers - Reference

APA Tutorial: The Basics of APA Style


URL where information was retrieved not required for library database citations.

Database where information was retrieved not required in most instances except for special cases.

A citation for an article from a library database does not require the URL or name of the database.


Do not include the words "Retrieved from" any longer before the URL

URL is important for items found freely available online. APA rules recommend using the homepage URL when an item can be easily located - such as URLs for news websites or online databases such as Hathi Trust and Internet Archive. Here is an example - only the homepage URL is used, not the full webpage URL.

Gallagher, D. (2018, Feb. 3) Is Google Losing to Amazon? Wall Street Journal.

Retrieved date is only included in a reference if the information cited is likely to change.

In general, do not include retrieved date within a citation, unless it is required by your instructor, or you are citing a blog, wiki, and a post from a personal website.

Example of information likely to change:

Neurology. (n.d.). In Wikipedia. Retrieved August 8, 2007 from


This is only in cases where this is no published date and the information is likely to change.

[Square Brackets] 

[Square Brackets] have several functions in APA Style. Regardless of the function, words within square brackets are your words.

1) [Square brackets] identify source types. APA Style recommends (not requires) providing identifying information when the title and other information in the citation does not identify the source. Add [square brackets] when needed to clarify what the item is. For example, [Case study], [Blog post], [Wiki], [Twitter post], [Facebook post] [Personal website], [PDF document], [Excel document], [Video], [Interview], [Data], [Data set].


Sasal, D. (2017, June 13) Project Management simplified: Learn the fundamentals of PMI's framework [Video]. Youtube.

2)  Use square brackets If you’re referencing an unusual item.

APA Style Blog: Using Square Brackets

3) Use square brackets when there is missing information - for example, missing date and title.

APA Style Blog: Missing Pieces: How to Write an APA Style Reference Even Without All the Information

Do you have questions about authors?

No author?

Authors for websites are often corporations, organizations or governments. If there is no person as the author consider using a corporate/group name.

Use a corporate/group name when an organization, rather than an individual, takes responsibility for the creation of a work. Ask yourself, whose website is it - what company, organization or government agency?

No author? Are you sure? Is it a Group/corporate Author?

APA Style Blog on group authors

If there is no author and no group/corporate author, begin the reference with the TITLE in the author-place. Use a shortened version of the title in when using in-text citations.

How to write an APA Style reference when information is missing

No date? Missing title? Missing source?

APA Style Blog on missing information


Article - print

Iansiti, M., Lakhani, K. R., McBrien, K., & Moon, M. (2017). Managing our hub economy: Strategy, ethics, and network competition in the age of digital superpower. Harvard Business Review, 95(5), 84-92.

Article format:   

Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title of article: Capital letter to start subtitle. Title of Magazine/Journal/Newspaper, Volume(Issue ), Page numbers.

Online Journal Article

Klein, G., & Aubry, M. (2017). Introducing the issue on megaprojects. Project Management Journal, 48(6), 3-4.

Wang, J., Meric, G., Liu, Z., & Meric, I. (2010). A comparison of the determinants of stock returns in the 1987 and 2008 stock market meltdowns. Banking and Finance Review, 2(1), 15-26.

Online Newspaper Article

Gallagher, D. (2018, February 3). Is Google losing to Amazon? The Wall Street Journal.

Krauss, C. (2008, August 30). Surge in natural gas has Utah driving cheaply. The New York Times.

APA Style Blog on citing newspapers

Is this website a newspaper, magazine or journal?

"There’s no governing authority who decides what’s a newspaper versus a website versus an online magazine versus something else entirely. Best
to look at how the site refers to itself and follow the convention associated with that. So if they call themselves a newspaper, italicize the name; otherwise, don’t." APA Style Blog

If the site does not refer to itself as a newspaper, magazine or journal cite the source as a webpage - scroll down to Online - Webpage.

Article format: 

Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Date of publication). Title of article: Capital letter to start subtitle. Title of Online Periodical, volume number(issue number if available).

Newspaper format:

Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title of article: Capital letter to start subtitle. Title of Newspaper.

Magazine format:

Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title of article: Capital letter to start subtitle. Title of Magazine, volume number(issue number if available).

Articles from library databases without doi.

Journal Article:

Arruda-Filho, E., Cabusas, J., & Dholakia, N. (2010). Social behavior and brand devotion among iPhone innovators. International Journal of Information Management, 30(6), 475-480.

Magazine Article:

Barkin, E. (2010, April). Jetting to greener pastures. Customer Relationship Management, 14(4), 30-33,36.

Newspaper Article:

Krauss, C. (2008, August 30). Surge in natural gas has Utah driving cheaply. The New York Times, 157(54418), A1.


Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title of article: Capital letter to start subtitle. Magazine/Journal/Newspaper Title, Volume(Issue), Pages.

Format - no author:

Title of article: Capital letter to start subtitle. (Year, Month Day). Magazine/Journal/Newspaper Title, Volume (Issue), Pages. URL or Database name if unique database.

Articles from library databases with doi.

Journal Article:

Gonzalez, J., Ragins, B., Ehrhardt, K., & Singh, R. (2018). Friends and family: The role of relationships in community and workplace attachment. Journal of Business & Psychology, 33(1), 89-104.

Holland, C. P. (1995). Cooperative supply chain management: The impact of interorganizational information systems. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 4(2), 117-133.

Article format:   

Author, A. A. (Date of Publication). Title of article: Capital letter to start subtitle. Journal title, Volume(issue), page range.

Working Papers
Deming, D., & Dynarski, S. (2008). The lengthening of childhood (National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper No. 14124).

White Papers

Department for Business Innovation & Skills. (2016). Success as a knowledge economy: Teaching excellent, social mobility and student choice [White paper]. Crown.

APA Style on White Papers



Author, A. A. (year). Title of work (Report No. 123). Publisher.

Author, A. A. (year). Title of work (Report No. 123).

Source: American Psychological Association, 2010, p.206.


Book in print
Brader, T. (2006). Campaigning for hearts and minds: How emotional appeals in political ads work. University of Chicago Press.
Laudon, K.C. & Traver, C.G. (2016). E-commerce: Business, technology, society (12th ed.). Pearson.
Lewis, R., & Dart, M. (2010). The new rules of retail: Competing in the world's toughest marketplace. Palgrave Macmillan.
Miller, T. E., Bender, B. E., & Schuh, J. H. (2005). Promoting reasonable expectations: Aligning student and institutional views of the college experience. Jossey-Bass.

Book with no author, but has an editor or editors:   add (Ed.) or (Eds.)

Duncan, G. J., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (Eds.). (1997). Consequences of growing up poor. Russell Sage Foundation.

Book format:  

Author, A. A. (Year of publication). Title of work: Capital letter to start subtitle. Publisher.

Edition number? If the edition is known, include it in the reference - but not the first edition. APA Style Blog: Citing an Edition of a Book in APA Style

Author, A. A. (Year of publication). Title of work: Capital letter to start subtitle (edition# ed.). Publisher.

Ebooks (APA 7)

Ebook from a library database (ie. Ebook Central ProQuest)

Kerzner, H. (2017). Project management metrics, KPIS, and dashboards: A guide to measuring and monitoring project performance

Ebook found online:

Barton, Clara. (1904). A story of the Red Cross: Glimpses of field work. D. Appleton and Company.

Ebook accessed using a specific reader

Gladwell, M. (2011). Outliers: The story of success. Back Bay Books.

Ebook format: Cite an ebook with the same information as a print book, and add the URL.

Author, A. A. (Year of publication). Title of work: Capital letter to start subtitle. Publisher. URL

Case Studies

Case Study published by Harvard Business School Publishing

Thomas, D.A. (1999). Leaving. HBS No. 400033-PDF-ENG. Harvard Business School Publishing. 

Eisenmann, T., & Herman, K. (2010). Google, Inc. HBS No. 910036-PDF-ENG. Harvard Business School Publishing. 

Case Study published by Ivey Publishing

Bernhut, S. (2013). The Ivey Business Journal Interview: State Capitalism, with Aldo Musacchio. Ivey ID: 9B13TB08. Ivey Publishing. 

Case Study Format:

Author(s). (Year). Title of case study. HBS No. number of case study. Publisher. 

Author(s). (Year). Title of case study. Ivey ID. number of case study. Publisher. 

>> If the case study does not include these elements, it is likely a case study that is in an article format - cite as an article.

Case Study found in a textbook - Format:

Author(s) or editor(s) of the chapter or entry or case study. (Year of book). Title of chapter or entry or case study. In First initial. Last name, & First initial. Last name (Eds.), Title of book (pp. xx-xx). Publisher.


Figures: graphs, flow charts, maps, drawings, photos, etc.

Looking for tables > use formatting information in the box Tables.

Click through the tabs and find in-text citation and reference examples.

Using Statista? Scroll down to the Statista box.

Video tutorial: APA Style for Figures and Tables

Figures: graphs, flow charts, maps, drawings, photos, etc.

Looking for tables > using formatting information in the box Tables.

A figure may be a chart, a graph, a photograph, a drawing, or any other illustration or nontextual depiction. Any type of illustration other than a table is referred to as a figure.


When you use a figure that has been adapted or copied directly from another source, you need to reference that original source. This reference appears as a caption underneath the figure (image):

  • don't include a title on top - the caption is your title
  • concise explanation of the figure; i.e. a brief but descriptive phrase
  • include copyright information
  • format your caption - use italics and a capital F for Figure and sequential numbering (if you have more than one Figure)
Legend (if needed):

A legend explains the symbols used in the figure. It should have the same kind and proportion of lettering that appear in the rest of the figure.

  • capitalize major words in the legend
  • place the legend within the figure (it may already be there if you have copied the graph from elsewhere)
General rules:
  • Number all figures with Arabic numerals in the order in which they are first mentioned in text, regardless of whether a more detailed discussion of the figure occurs later in the paper. For example, Figure 1...Figure 2...etc.
  • Refer to the figure in your writing - no italics, but with capital F, for example "In Figure 1..."
  • Copyright permission for using figures and images in theses/dissertations/exegeses - obtain written copyright permission from the copyright holder if you reproduced or adapted a figure from a copyrighted source. If you are adapting material from multiple sources, and integrating them into a single figure, you might need to include multiple permission statements, one for each source.
  • Figures must have a reference in your Reference List.
Multiple Sources:

See Simon Fraser University's instructions for citing multi-sources.

Created by Auckland University of Technology Library, and adapted with permission.

APA Style on citing Tables & Figures

Figure reproduced in your paper

Use this format for figures you COPY - reproduced exactly as they appear in another source. Use this format when you do not make any modifications or add data to the table.

Caption Format - caption under a figure
Figure X. Descriptive phrase that serves as title and description. Reprinted [or adapted] from Book Title (page number), by Author First Initial. Second Initial. Surname, Year. Publisher. Copyright [Year] by the Name of Copyright Holder.


Figure 1. FinSec's communication networks. Reprinted from Employment Relations in New Zealand (2nd ed., p.355), by E. Rasmussen, 2009. Pearson. Copyright 2009 by Erling Rasmussen.

In-text citation:

This is clearly indicated in Figure 1,...

Reference list entry:

Rasmussen, E. J. (2009). Employment relations in New Zealand (2nd ed.). Pearson.

Figure referred to and not reproduced in your paper

If you simply refer to a figure, format the in text-citation and the reference list entry in the usual way.

In-text citation:

... interpretations of the painting “Mona Lisa” (Gombrich 1995, p. 203).

Reference list entry:

Gombrich, E. H. (1995). The story of art (16th ed.). Phaidon.

Figure reproduced in your paper

Use this format for figures you COPY - reproduced exactly as they appear in another source. Use this format when you do not make any modifications or add data to the table.

Caption Format - caption under a figure
Figure X. Descriptive phrase that serves as title and description. Reprinted [or adapted] from “Title of Article,” by Author First Initial. Second Initial. Surname, Year, Journal Title, Volume(issue), page number. Copyright [Year] by the Name of Copyright Holder.



Figure 1. Factors influencing the formation of tourists' needs. Reprinted from "Factors that Obstruct Tourism Development in Bangladesh", by N. Jahan and S. Rahman, 2016, CLEAR International Journal of Research in Commerce & Management, 7 (9), p.53. Copyright 2016 by Chinniah Lakshmiammal Educational Academy & Research (CLEAR) Foundation.

In-text citation:

As shown in Figure 1, there are five groups of factors that influence...

Reference list entry:

Jahan, N., & Rahman, S. (2016). Factors that obstruct tourism development in bangladesh. CLEAR International Journal of Research in Commerce & Management, 7(9), 48–55.

Figure referred to and not reproduced in your paper

If you simply refer to a figure and do not include it in your text, format the in text citation and the reference list entry in the usual way.

In-text citation:

... in the installation "Talking about the Weather"... (Randerson, 2007, p. 446).

Reference list entry:

Randerson, J. (2007). Between reason and sensation: Antipodean artists and climate change. Leonardo,40(5), 442–448.

Figure reproduced in your paper

Use this format for figures you COPY - reproduced exactly as they appear in another source. Use this format when you do not make any modifications or add data to the table.

Caption Format - caption under a figure
Figure X. Descriptive phrase that serves as title and description. Title of the database. Copyright [year] by the Name of Copyright Holder.

Example from ACNielsen Market Information Digest database

Figure 1. The market location and dollar sales of meat pies in New Zealand. SMAP is the segment of market for the Auckland Province, SMLNI for the Lower North Island, SMSI for the South Island; MAP is the moving annual total. Nielsen Market Information Digest New Zealand database. Copyright 2011 by The Nielsen Company.


Example: from Passport (Euromonitor) database


Figure 2.  Trade volume of ready to drink high strength premixes sold in New Zealand, measured in 000 litres. Passport database. Copyright 2010 by Euromonitor International.

In-text citation:

As Figure 1 shows, sales of meat pies ...

As shown in Figure 2, ...

Reference list entry:

Euromonitor International. (2010). Trade volume of ready to drink high strength premixes in New Zealand, measured in 000 liters [Graph]. Passport database.

The Nielsen Company. (2011). The market location and dollar sales of meat pies in New Zealand, March 2009– March 2011 [Graph]. Nielsen Market Information Digest New Zealand database.

Figure referred to and not reproduced in your paper

If you refer to a figure, format the in-text citation and the reference list entry in the usual way:

In-text citation: volume...(Euromonitor International, 2010).

The painting ... (Pollock, 1942).

Reference list entry:

Passport graph (was GMID)

Euromonitor International. (2010). Trade volume of ready to drink high strength premixes in New Zealand, measured in 000 litres [Graph]. Passport database.

Image from a Library database

Pollock, J. (1942). Male and female [Painting]. ARTstor database.

Figure reproduced in your paper

Use this format for figures you COPY - reproduced exactly as they appear in another source. Use this format when you do not make any modifications or add data to the table.

Caption Format - caption under a figure
Figure X. Descriptive phrase that serves as title and description. From Title of Website. URL. Copyright [year] by the Name of Copyright Holder.

Figure 1. Vermeer, J. (c. 1665). Girl with a pearl earring. From Mauritshuis Royal Picture Gallery, The Hague. Reprinted with permission.

Figure 2. America's Army screen dump showing soldiers and watch tower. From America's Army (Version 3). Copyright 2010 by America’s Army.

In-text citation:

As Figure 1 shows, ...

As shown in Figure 2, ...

Reference list entry:

America's Army screen dump showing soldiers and watch tower [Photograph]. (n.d.).

Vermeer, J. (c. 1665). Girl with a pearl earring [Photograph].

Figure referred to and not reproduced in your paper

If you refer to a figure, format the in-text citation and the reference list entry in the usual way.

In-text citation:

... facial expression reminiscent of Munch’s The Scream.

Reference list entry:

  • Not every reference to an artwork needs a reference list entry, for example, if you refer to a famous painting, as above, it would not need a reference.

Image online

McCahon, C. (1954). Manukau [Painting].

Photograph online

Hamilton, D. (1975). South of France fantasy [Photograph].

Image online - no author

Radiating ripples [Photograph]. (2006).

Image online - no author, title or date

[Untitled photograph of a giraffe]. (n.d.).


  • many images found online have few details, but always check for extra information by:
    • clicking on or hovering your mouse over the image
    • looking at the bottom of the image
    • looking at the URL
  • if there is no title, create a short descriptive one yourself and put it in square brackets e.g. [...]


Reference List

Examples of references for figures.

Retrieved from a library database

Euromonitor International. (2013). Youth unemployment rate vs. total unemployment rate: 2006-2011 [Graph]. Euromonitor Passport database.

Format: Figure

Author. (year created). Title of work [Type of work], Database name or URL.

No author? Use a corporate/agency/company (as known as group author name), or a screen name. If this is not an option, use the title in place of the author.


Tables: numerical values or text displayed in clearly designated columns and rows

Looking for: graphs, flow charts, maps, drawings, photos, etc. > see box Figures.

Click through the tabs and find in-text citation and reference examples.

Using Statista? Scroll down to the Statista box.

Created by Auckland University of Technology Library, and adapted with permission.

Tables: numerical values or text displayed in clearly designated columns and rows

Looking for: graphs, flow charts, maps, drawings, photos, etc. > see box Figures.

Tables usually show numerical value or textual information and are almost always characterized by a row-column structure. Any type of illustration other than a table is a figure.

General notes on tables:

  • Tables are located at the end of your paper, after the reference list and before any appendixes. Each table is on a separate page.
  • Tables may use single-spacing or one-and-a-half spacing (p. 229).
  • Information necessary for understanding the table and definitions of abbreviations used within the table appear in a table note. (APA Style Blog)
  • All tables must be cited in-text and discussed within the body of your paper, and be included in your reference list.
Basic instructions for formatting tables

Number tables sequentially (i.e.if you have more than one table in your writing) e.g. Table 1, Table  2 .....

  • Each table must be referred to in the text, using a capital T,  for example: shown in Table 1

Title is placed directly above the table itself and below the table number.

  • Brief but clear and explanatory, in italics and with major words capitalized with no full stop.

Note is placed directly below the table, the word "Note" in italics with a full stop, for example: Note.

  • Explain abbreviations, symbols etc
  • Acknowledge the source of the table
  • Include a copyright statement at the end of the note. 

     â€‹  For specific and probability note (section 5.16, p 138).

Ruling (Lines)

  • Limit the use of lines to those that are necessary
  • Appropriately positioned white space can be an effective substitute.


  • Tables  may be submitted either single or double spaced. Consider readability (section 5.17, p 141).


Table 1

Sales of  Take Home Ice Cream in New Zealand

Note. MAT= moving annual total, From ACNielsen Market Information Digest New Zealand .Copyright 2010 by The Nielsen Company.

Created by Auckland University of Technology Library, and adapted with permission.

APA Style on citing Tables & Figures

Table reproduced in your paper

Use this format for tables you COPY - reproduced exactly as they appear in another source. Use this format when you do not make any modifications or add data to the table.

Note format - note under a table

Note. Adapted/Reprinted from Title of Book (p.XX), by  A.B. Author, Year. Publisher. Copyright (year) by title of Publisher.


Note. Reprinted from Employment relations in New Zealand (p 98), by E. Rasmussen, 2009. Pearson. Copyright (2009) by Erling Rasmussen. 

In-text citation: shown in Table 1, no compensation...

Reference list entry:

Use the reference style for books - see go to box Books

Table referred to and not reproduced in your paper

If you simply refer to a table, format the in-text citation and the reference list entry in the usual way.

In-text citation:

....fifty eight percentage received compensation (Rasmussen, 2009).

Reference list entry:

Rasmussen, E. (2009). Employment relations in New Zealand. Pearson.

Table reproduced in your paper

Use this format for tables you COPY - reproduced exactly as they appear in another source. Use this format when you do not make any modifications or add data to the table.

Note format - note under a table

Note. Adapted/Retrieved/Reprinted from "Title of  Article" by Author First Initial. Second Initial. Surname.Year, Journal Title, Volume(issue), page(s). Copyright year by Name of Copyright Holder.     

  In-text citation:

... as shown in Table 1

Reference list entry:

Use the reference style for articles - see box Articles.

Table referred to but not reproduced in your paper

If you simply refer to a table, format the in-text citation and the reference list entry in the usual way.

In-text citation:

....the multivariate longitudinal models (Bainter & Howard, 2016)

Reference list entry:

Bainter, S.A., Howard, A.L. (2016). Comparing within-person effects from multivariate longitudinal models. Developmental                      Psychology. 52(12), 1955–1968.

Table reproduced in your paper

Use this format for tables you COPY - reproduced exactly as they appear in another source. Use this format when you do not make any modifications or add data to the table.

Note Format : note below a table

Note. General notes, including definitions of abbreviations. Name of Database. Copyright (year) by XXX.


Table 1

Percentage of Men and Women Who Have Bought Fruit and Vegetable Products in the Last Four Weeks

Note. wc = weighted count, shown in thousands; v% =vertical percentage, showing which % of the column group also belongs to the row group; h% = horizontal percentage showing which percentage of the row group also belongs to the column group. Roy Morgan Single Source New Zealand database. Copyright 2015 by Roy Morgan New Zealand Ltd. 

In-text citation:

.... as shown in Table 2

Reference list entry:

Roy Morgan New Zealand. (2015). Percentage of men and women who have bought fruit and vegetable products in the last four weeks, April- December, 2015 [Table]. Roy Morgan Single Source New Zealand database. 

Table referred to but not reproduced in your paper

In-text citation:

...fewer men than women bought vegetables (Roy Morgan, New Zealand, 2010)

Reference  List entry:

Roy Morgan New Zealand. (2010). Percentage of men and women who have bought fruit/vegetables in the last seven days, August 2009-July [Table]. Roy Morgan Single Source New Zealand database.

Table reproduced in your paper

Use this format for tables you COPY - reproduced exactly as they appear in another source. Use this format when you do not make any modifications or add data to the table.

Note format - note below a table

Note. Include the title of the document if the table title does not provide enough information. Adapted/Retrieved/Reprinted from Source website. Copyright (Year) by Name of copyright Holder. 


Table 1

Percentage of New Zealand Population Who Have Never Worked by Age Group.
By age group
June 2016 quarter

 Age group (years)                                                   

 Never-worked group 
(% of total age group)











Note. Adapted from Copyright (2016) by Statistics New Zealand. 

In-text citation: shown in Table 1, young people make up most of the never-worked group...

Reference list entry:

Use the reference style for websites - see box Online, tab Websites.

Table referred to but not reproduced in your paper

If you refer to a table but don’t provide a copy of it in your assessment, simply give an in-text citation in the usual way

In-text citation:

...twenty four year olds who never worked (Statistics New Zealand, 2016).

​Reference list entry:

Statistics New Zealand. (2016). Percentage of New Zealand population who have never worked, June 2016 quarter [Table]. Retrieved from _unemployment/people-never-worked.aspx

Table - compiled from a variety of sources

Multi source data

If you create your own table by compiling data from multiple sources, you will still need to cite where you got your information from. You do not need to give the full bibliographic citation in the note, an author and date is sufficient. 

Note format - note under table:

Note. Data for ABC from Author (date), from  XYZ from Author (date), and MNO from Author (date).

In-text citation: 

As shown in Table 3.......

Reference list entry:

Note: all the sources you used should have a full bibliographic entry in your Reference List even though the information in the Note field uses a lot of the same information.

Multiple kinds of data

If you have multiple kinds of data (population figures, employment information... etc.) in one table you would describe each set of data)

Note format - note under Table:

Note. Population figures for ABC from Author (date), and for XYZ from Author (date). Data for total unemployed for ABC from Author (date) and for  XYZ from Author (date).

Reference list entry:

Note: all the sources you used should have a full bibliography entry in your reference list even though the information in the Note uses a lot of the same information.

 For more information see:

APA Style for figures & tables

Reference List

Examples of references for tables.

Retrieved from a book

New Strategist. (2008). Women's time use by age, 2007 [Table]. In New Strategist Editors, American women: Who they are and how they live (4th ed.). New Strategist Publications, Inc.

Retrieved from a online source

US Census Bureau. (2002). Industries in Which California Ranks First in Terms of Sales or Receipts Per Capita [Table]. 2002 Economic Census.

National Center for Education Statistics. (2007). [Chart showing racial makeup of San Francisco Unified School District students under age 18]. Common Core of Data.

If the table you find does not have a title, then describe the content in [square brackets].

Format: Table

Author. (Publication Date). Title of  table [Table]. In author or editor of work Title of work. Publisher.

Author. (Publication Date). Title of table [Table]. Title of website. URL

Author. (Publication Date). [Title of table] [Table]. Title of website. URL

Interviews, Emails, Personal Communications


Personal interviews that you conduct do not have references. Personal interviews are considered personal communication. Include any relevant and important information about the interview in the body of your paper. APA Style states, "An interview is not considered recoverable data, so no reference to this is provided in the reference list. You may, however, cite the interview within the text as a personal communication."
APA Style

1. Personal communication. In-text example:

The company's new initiatives will likely lead to rewriting the mission statement (J. Smith, personal communication, August 15, 2009).

2. Personal communication. In-text example:

J. Smith (personal communication, August 15, 2009) claims the company' new initiatives will likely lead to rewriting the mission statement.

Interviews - research participantsAPA Style

An interview you read has a citation and reference. Where did you find the interview? Is it from a magazine article, website, blog, etc.? Use the appropriate APA Style format to create the reference.

Email & Personal Communications

Email & personal communications do not have references at the end of your paper, but you will create a citation within the body of your paper.

Why do personal communications not have references? References are created to direct your reader to the sources of information you used in your paper. With personal communications you cannot direct the reader to the source - to the phone conversation you had, to your email inbox, to the day of the interview - the reader of your paper cannot access these sources.

Include any relevant and important information about the email and personal communication in the body of your paper.

Here is an example for the APA Style:

K. M. Ingraham (personal communication, October 5, 2013) stated that she found her career as an educational psychologist intellectually stimulating as well as emotionally fulfilling.


Website (entire website, not a webpage)

No citation is needed for an entire website. Include the website within the body of a paper.

"In my paper, I mention a website. I refer to the website as a whole, and I am not discussing a specific webpage or an article within a website. Do I need to create an in-text citation and a reference list citation?"

NO. All you need to do is include the URL within the body of your paper, and you do not need to include the website and URL in your reference list at the end of the paper. In APA Style there is no specific formatting recommendations.

Two examples - full websites mentioned within a paper.

1) The Department of Health has just released a new website to help people identify and compare health care programs available in their area. The website is called at This resource is easy to use and the interface is intuitive, but the website will not support members of the population not using the internet.

2) Kidspsych ( is a wonderful interactive website for children. This resource is appropriate for children ages 3 to 10.

APA Style Blog: Websites & Webpages

Webpage (not an online journal, magazine or newspaper > use article format) (APA 7)

Webpage with author:

Doyle, A. (2017, July 1). Best questions to ask at a job interview: What to ask the employer during a job interview. The balance careers. The Balance.

Webpage without a person as the author - there are options! (APA 7)

Authors for websites are often corporations, organizations or governments. If there is no person listed as the author consider using a corporate/group name. Use a corporate/group name when an organization, rather than an individual, takes responsibility for the creation of a work. Ask yourself, whose website is it - what company, organization or government agency?

Webpage with no person as author. Use a corporate/group author. (APA 7)

United States government agency

U.S. Food and Drug Administration. (2018, February 14). Traumatic brain injury: FDA actions and research.

U.S. Small Business Association. (n.d.). Build your business plan.


Ben & Jerry's. (n.d.). Our history.

Samsung. (2018). Vision 2020.

Kaiser Permanente. (2013, November). Measuring quality and patient safety.

Webpage with no author

Effective business plans: Strategies for managers. (2018, March 4). Business Pros.

Format:      Title of webpage. (Year, Month Day web page was last updated). Webpage. URL

In-text citation for no author:   ("First Few Words of Title," YEAR).    ("Effective Business Plans," 2018).

Is this website a newspaper, magazine or journal?

If the site refers to itself as a newspaper, magazine or journal cite the source using an article format. Scroll up to Articles - Online.

"There’s no governing authority who decides what’s a newspaper versus a website versus an online magazine versus something else entirely. Best
to look at how the site refers to itself and follow the convention associated with that. So if they call themselves a newspaper, italicize the name; otherwise, don’t." 

Use these formats are for webpages - not articles from online journals, magazines or newspapers (see box: Articles)

Web page format - with author:

Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day web page was last updated). Title of website. URL

Web page format - without author.

Corporate Author. (Year, Month Day web page was last updated). Title of website. URL

Web page format - without author and no corporate name.

Title of page. (Year, Month Day web page was last updated). Retrieved from URL

Blogs, wikis, and posts on personal websites
Stephanie (2018, February 5). What to do if your Obamacare 1095-A column B is zero. Poorer than you.

APA Style on citing Blogs


When citing Wikipedia, cite an archived version of a Wikipedia page so that readers can retrieve the version you used.

*Access the archived version on Wikipedia by selecting “View history” and then the time and date of the version you used.

*If a wiki does not provide permanent links to archived versions of the page, include the URL for the entry and a retrieval date.

Business performance management. (2018, January 25). In Wikipedia.

Neurology. (n.d.). In Wikipedia. Retrieved December 15, 2017 from

APA Style Blog on citing Wikipedia

Entire blog, wiki, or personal website

"In my paper, I mention a blog. I refer to the blog as a whole, and I am not discussing a specific blog post. Do I need to create an in-text citation and a reference list citation?"

No. All you need to do is include the URL within the body of your paper, and you do not need to include the website and URL in your reference list at the end of the paper. In APA Style there is no specific formatting recommendations.

Two examples for mentioning the entire blog, wiki or personal website.  In the body of the paper:

1) At age 22, blogger Stephanee (Stephanie), started her the blog Poorer Than You ( The posts are aimed at millennials and provide financial advice on a variety of topics.

2) I have learned a lot by reading the Psych Learning Curve blog ( This blog is an excellent resource for teachers.

Posts and information found within blogs, wikis and personal websites are likely to change and be updated frequently. Therefore, when citing these sources you need to include the retrieved date - this is the date you found it.

If there is no date, use (n.d.).

Titles for items in online communities are NOT italicized.

If the author's name is not available, provide the screen name or use the title in place of the author.

Format with author: 

Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day web page was last updated). Title of Blog site. URL

Format no author: 

Title of page. (Year, Month Day web page was last updated). Title of Blog site. Retrieved date from URL


Glass, I. (Producer). (2013, September 6). How I got into college [Audio podcast]. In This American Life.

Purdue OWL APA Style: How to Cite a Podcast


LastName, A. A. (Producer). (Year, Month Day {of podcast}). Title of podcast [Audio podcast]. In Title of Podcast Series. Publisher. URL

Podcast without a series - stand alone

LastName, A. A. (Host). (Year, Month Day {of podcast}). Title of podcast [Audio podcast episode]. Publisher. URL

Gallagher, D. (2018, February 3). Is Google losing to Amazon? The Wall Street Journal.

Krauss, C. (2008, August 30). Surge in natural gas has Utah driving cheaply. The New York Times.

APA Style Blog on citing newspapers

CNN. (2015, February 15). Boston sets new snow record [Video].

Online Newspaper format:

Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title of article: Capital letter to start subtitle. Title of Newspaper.

Online Magazine format:

Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title of article: Capital letter to start subtitle. Title of Magazine, volume number(issue number if available).

Online News broadcast video:

Producer Name. (Year, Month Day). Video title [Video]. Website host.

Youtube video

Forbes. (2018, January 19). Facebook announces algorithm changes; Apple brings money back to U.S. [Video]. Youtube. https://youtube/39gFZawmKfM

Sasal, D. (2017, June 13) Project Management simplified: Learn the fundamentals of PMI's framework [Video]. Youtube.

APA Style: How to Create a Reference for a YouTube Video


TikTok video

Cook, P. [@chemteacherphil]. (2019, November 19). Alkali salts get lit. #chemistry #chemteacherphil #scienceexperiments #foryou #jobforme #trend #featurethis #science #vibecheck [Video]. TikTok.

Washington Post [@washingtonpost]. (2019, December 3). News is all around us #frozen #newsroom #newspaper [Video]. TikTok.

TikTok Profile

Witherspoon, R. [@officialreesetiktok]. (n.d.). vsco mom [TikTok profile]. TikTok. Retrieved January 12, 2020, from

APA 7 TikTok Citation Guide


TED Talk video

If you viewed the video on the TED website:

Palmer, A. (2013, February). Amanda Palmer: The art of asking [Video]. TED.

If you viewed the video on YouTube, the same TED Talk would be referenced as follows:

TED. (2013, March 1). Amanda Palmer: The art of asking [Video]. Youtube.

APA Style Blog: How to Cite a TED Talk in APA Style

Film, Video, or DVD

Selick, H. (Director). (1993). The nightmare before Christmas [Film]. Touchstone.

Smithee, A. F. (Director). (2001). Really big disaster movie [Film]. Paramount Pictures.

APA Style Film and TV

If the author's name is not available, provide the screen name.

Format - Film, Video, or DVD

Director's last name, first initial (Director). (Year of the film's release). Film title [Film]. Name of the movie studio.

Author, A.A. (year, month day). Title [Film].

Author, A. A. [Screen name]. (year, month day). Title [Film].

Corporate name. (year, month day). Title [Film].

Screen name. (year, month day). Title [Film].

Social Media

NY Review of Books. (2013, September 6). The total weight of jellyfish in the Black Sea is 10x greater than that of all fish caught around the world in a year. [Tweet; thumbnail link to article]. Twitter.

Obama, M. (2013, February 28). “We can give all our children the bright, healthy futures they so richly deserve.” —the First Lady on why healthier food options are good for American businesses [Image attached] [Status update]Facebook.

Gaiman, N. (2012, February 29). Please celebrate Leap Year Day in the traditional manner by taking a writer out for dinner. [Status update]. Facebook.

Reuters Top News [Reuters]. (2016, November 1). Inside David Bowie's art collection [Twitter moment]. Twitter.

APA Style: How to Cite a Twitter Moment

APA Style: How to Cite Facebook

APA Style: How to Cite Instagram

Titles for items in online communities are italicized.

If the author's name is not available, provide the screen name.


Author, A.A. (year, month day). Title. [Type of post]. Site name.

Screen name. (year, month day) Title. [Type of post]. Site name.


In APA Style there are no specific formatting rules for citing PDFs.

Why? PDF is just a file format. To cite this type of document, ask yourself: What is this?

You must determine what the nature of the PDF, and then use the corresponding format.

There are two common types of documents that appear as PDFs:

- Articles (magazines, newspapers, journals, newsletters, etc.)

- Reports (government report, company profile, company annual report, etc.)

Need help? Ask us by emailing

For Webinar citations in APA 7, Please check out Purdue University APA 7 citation guide on Other Non-Print Sources available here:

Rules for citing information found on the web:

No author? Start with the title and then the date. A screen-name can be used as the author. An organization/company can be the author.

Date? If a date is not specifically included with the item you are citing, look for the last updated date. No date type (n.d.)

Titles? Keep it simple - do not italicize website titles. This can get confusing:  If a webpage is part of a larger website, do not italicize the title of the page. If the webpage is an independent document on the website, do italicize the title of the page. This is also a judgment call that you will have to make. If you are not sure, do not italicize.

URL? Yes, include it.

Retrieved on date? In general, do not include the retrieved date for most web sources. If a webpage is likely to change over time, such as a wiki or personal website, include the date that you looked at the page.

Author and website name? If the name of the website is the same as the name of the author, you do not need to include it a second time.

[Square Brackets]?  APA Style recommends providing identifying information - when needed for clarification. If the information in the citation and URL do not clearly identify what it is you are citing, add [square brackets]. For example, [Blog post], [Wiki], [Twitter post], [Facebook post] [Personal website], [PDF document], [Video], [Interview], [Data].


Instructors frequently require students to use APA Style within presentations. APA Style does not provide specific guidelines for PowerPoint presentations and visuals. You will be adapting APA Style guidelines. Check with your instructor about the format. You will likely need to have in-text citations on the slides throughout your presentation for images, data, quotes and paraphrased statements, AND a slide at the end for a reference list.


Barr, J. G. (2018). Artificial intelligence. Faulkner Advisory for IT Studies database. MarketLine. (2013, April 29). NIKE, Inc.: Company profile

Annual Report

American Psychological Association. (2013). 2012 annual report of the American Psychological Association.

Unilever. (2015). Annual report and accounts 2015 strategic report.

APA Style on citing annual reports

SEC Filing

Microsoft. (2005, September 25). Form 10-Q. Arrow International, Inc. (2009). 10-K Annual Report 2009.

Government Report

San Francisco Department of Public Health. (2016). San Francisco community health needs assessment 2016.

U.S. Department of Education. (2014). Profile of undergraduate students: 2011-12. Web tables (NCES 2015-167).


Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Publication date). Title of document (version number if provided). https://URL

Name of company. (Publication date). Title of document (version number if provided). https://URL

Name of company. (Publication date). Title of document (version number if provided). Library database name and/or URL.

Print report:

Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Publication date). Title of document (version number if provided). Publisher Name.




National Cancer Institute. (2016). Taking part in cancer treatment research studies (Publication No. 16-6249).

Office of the Inspector General U.S. Department of Justice. (2017, May). Review of the handling of sexual harassment and misconduct allegations by the department’s Civil Division.

U.S. Department of Education. (2014). Profile of undergraduate students: 2011-12. Web tables (NCES 2015-167).

APA Style: How to Cite Government Report

U.S. Constitution

APA Style Blog states, "All citations of the U.S. Constitution begin with U.S. Const., followed by the article, amendment, section, and/or clause numbers as relevant."   APA Style Blog: How to Cite the U.S. Constitution in APA Style

In-text                   (U.S. Const. amend. II)

Reference             U.S. Const. amend. II

Congressional Bill

Equitable Health Care for Severe Mental Illnesses Act of 1993, S. 671, 103d Cong., 1st Sess. (1993).

Federal Statutes

Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, 29 U.S.C. §§ 2601–2654 (2006).

FORMAT: Name of the Statute, Tile number Source § Section number(s) (Year).

APA Style: Writing References for Federal Statutes

The parts of the citation for federal statutes:

  • name of the statute
  • title number
  • name of the source in which you found the statute
  • section number(s) of the statute
  • year of the source in which you found the statute

APA Style: Writing References for Federal Statutes

Format: Government Report

Government Agency. (Publication date). Title of document (version number if provided). https://URL

Format: Congressional Bill

Title, Bill or Resolution Number, Number of Congress Cong., Number of Session Sess. (Year).

Format: Federal Statutes

Name of the Statute, Title number Source § Section number(s) (Year).

Statistics & Data Sets

Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2016). Consumer price index - all urban consumers, 1956-2016 [Time series].

Pew Research Center. (2016). June 10-July 12, 2015 – Gaming, jobs and broadband [Data file and codebook].

World Bank, World Development Indicators. (2016). Firms using banks to finance working capital (% of firms) [Data file].

United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. (2008). Indiana income limits [Data set].

APA Style on citing data sets

U.S. Census

U.S. Census Bureau (2011). Selected housing characteristics, 2007-2011 American community survey 5-year estimates [Data file].

If a data set has a DOI, include in the citation. For data sets without a DOI, add the URL.

The name of the data set is italicized. For example, Indiana income limits [Data set].

[Square Brackets] identify the source type. There is not a specific rule for use of [square brackets]. You must determine what the information is: [Data set], [Data file], [Data file and codebook], and so on. [Square Brackets] are optional, but are recommended because they can improve a citation.


Author/Rightsholder. (Year). Title of data set [Data Set]. http://URL

Author/Rightsholder. (Year). Title of data set [Data Set].


U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. (2009). Cahaba River Natural Refuge.

International Monetary Fund. (2017, May 8). IMF lending at a glance.

WOU APA Style on citing maps

Google Maps

Google. (n.d.). [Google Maps directions for driving from Ingolstadt, Germany, to Geneva, Switzerland]. Retrieved August 4, 2015 from

APA Style on citing online maps


IAC. (n.d.). Impact investing. In Investopedia. Retrieved May 15, 2016 from

Merriam Webster (n.d.). Reliability. In dictionary (11th ed.). Retrieved January 11, 2020 from

Dictionary references in APA 7

BizJournals (via American City Business Journals)

Dittmer, M. (2018, March 16). Busiest Bay Area airlines. San Francisco Business Times.

Britannica Academic & Encyclopaedia Britannica

Library database

Fisher, W. W. (2018). Patent. Encyclopaedia Britannica.


Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopaedia (2019, November 20). Prohibition. Encyclopedia Britannica.

Note: Encyclopedia Britannica online 
has a citation tool.

Business Source Complete

Is it an article?  Use the format: Articles - library database

Is it a report? >> Use the format: Reports

The database Business Source Complete has a citation tool. Click CITE and select APA citation format. Review the citation and edit it.

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed): DSM–5

American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.).


In-text citation: 
(American Psychiatric Association, 2013)

Faulkner Reports

Reports from these databases: Faulkner Advisory for IT Studies (FAITS), and Faulkner Security Management Practices.

Barr, J. G. (2019). Artificial intelligence. Faulkner Advisory for IT Studies.

Keston, G. (2019). Network access control. Faulkner Security Management Practices.


Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Publication date). Title of document (version number if provided).

Name of company. (Publication date). Title of document (version number if provided). 

Name of company. (Publication date). Title of document (version number if provided). 

Print report:

Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Publication date). Title of document (version number if provided). Publisher Name.

Gale Ebooks


Agile software. In Encyclopedia of Emerging Industries (7th ed., pp. 5-10). Gale.

Harvard Business Review

Is it an article? >> Use the article format.

Is it a case study? >> Use the case study format.

Mergent Online


Mergent Inc. (n.d.). Apple, Inc.: Business segments.

Mergent Inc. (2014, February 28). McDonald's Corp.: Ford Equity research report.

SEC Filing

Apple Inc. (2013, October 30). Form 10-K

Microsoft. (2005, September 25). Form 10-Q. 

Morningstar Investment Research Center


Google, Inc. (2011, December 31). Form 10-K.

Morningstar. (n.d.). Google: Key ratios. Retrieved March 13, 2014, from Morningstar Investment Research.

Morningstar. (2014, February 28) Fidelity Blue Chip Growth: Rating and riskMorningstar Investment Research.

Reichart, K. R. (2014, March 6). Fidelity Blue Chip Growth: Fund analyst report. Morningstar Investment Research database.

Summer, R. (2014, February 25). Google, Inc.: Stock analyst report. Morningstar Investment Research database.

Pew Research Center

Lopez, G., Ruis, N.G. & Patten, E. (2017, September 8) Key facts about Asian Americans, a diverse and growing population.

Shearer, E. & Gottfried, J. (2017, September 6). In 2017, two-thirds of U.S. adults get news from social media [Table]. In News Use Across Social Media Platforms 2017.

Pew Research Center. (2016). June 10-July 12, 2015 – Gaming, Jobs and Broadband [Data file and code book].


Pew Research Center. (2018, January 2018). They’re waiting longer, but U.S. women today more likely to have children than a decade ago: More than half of never-married women in their early 40s have given birth [Report].

S&P Global NetAdvantage

Industry Survey

Snyder, K. (2017, October). Health care equipment and supplies. CFRA Industry Surveys [PDF].


Library database - Statista - citing data and charts

When you are viewing data, look for the citation button. SELECT CITATION. From the drop-down menu, click APA. We recommend you edit the citation. Note, Statista uses many difference SOURCES - the source is in the place of the author.

Atlas Van Lines. (May 27, 2020). Internal factors that influenced employee relocations in the United States in 2020 [Chart]. In Statista - The Statistics Portal. Retrieved April 08, 2021 from

Airnow. (February 17, 2021). Leading iPhone apps in the Apple App Store worldwide in January 2021, by revenue (in million U.S. dollars) [Graph]. In Statista. Retrieved April 08, 2021, from

Library database - Statista - citing a full report

Collignon, H. & Sultan, N. (2014, November). Winning the business of sports 2014. Retrieved from Statista database.

Janßen, B., Krützfeldt, W., Ramcke, K., & Staffa, V. (2014, August). Industry report - Computer and electronic product manufacturing NAICS Code 334. Retrieved from Statista database.

Statista. (2018). Coffee market in the U.S. [Report]. Retrieved from Statista database.

Online - using Statista's website - citing data and charts

When there is no author name, use the SOURCE name in place of the author. Statista uses many difference SOURCES. Look under the table or figure for the word SOURCE.

ITU. (2011, October). Number of active mobile broadband subscriptions worldwide from 2005 to 2011 (in millions) [Chart]. In Statista. Retrieved from

Value Line

Value Line Publishing. (2010, November 26). Ford Motor. Value Line Investment Survey.