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Company Research: Company Financials

This guide lists recommended databases and websites to use for company research including resources that provide information on company financials, overviews, articles, SWOT analyses, ratios, organization charts and historical company data.

Databases for Company Financials

The following suggestions are the best resources for finding company financial data. Please refer to the "Historical Finance Data" box below if you need company financials earlier than the past ten years.

Many financial institutions are privately-owned. Some basic financial information may be obtained at:

FDIC, if they are insured by them.

E-Books for Financial Statement Analysis & Valuation

Databases for Company Ratios

Company ratios can be found online in the library databases listed below.

If you are having trouble figuring out what the ratios mean or how they are configured, check the help file for each database.

Databases for Historical Financial Data

For print resources in the library's reference collection that have historical financial data, look at the Standard & Poor's Analyst Handbooks--for S&P index-level data; For recent coverage see the Analyst's Handbook in S&P Global NetAdvantage database

The library has access to historical financial data in a few different resources. For individual company financial data for the last 10 years, look in: 

Databases for Company bond, debt, fixed income Information

Databases for Company benchmarks, multiples, valuations