EBSCO databases include:
Academic Search Complete
Business Source Complete
eBook Collection
EBSCO (Multi-Database Search)
ERIC (Education Resources Information Center)
Military & Government Collection
Newspaper Source
OmniFile Full Text Select
Regional Business News
If you are using Zotero, you can download a Chrome extension that will easily create a citation for all articles once you open the article and click the icon.
How to Use the Export Manager
From the Export Manager, you can save or e-mail citations in a format compatible with your bibliographic management software. Your library administrator decides whether the Export feature is displayed.
You can set the defaults for your preferred Export Settings on the Preferences Screen. The selections that are set on Preferences will be applied when exporting.
To save citations in bibliographic manager format
From the open result or from the folder, click Export. The Export Manager panel appears.
If you are in the folder, Remove these items from folder after saving appears. Indicate whether you want to empty the folder of all items after saving your file.
Save citations to a file formatted for: select one of the following:
Direct Export in RIS Format (e.g. CITAVI, EndNote™, ProCite, Reference Manager, Zotero) - includes those fields supported by reference managers that utilize Research Information Systems (RIS) format for bibliographic management. (This would be useful if you are at a remote location and have bibliographic management software such as ProCite or EndNote on your home or office computer. You could save your citations at a school or public library and import them into your citation library at home.)
Generic bibliographic management software - includes all fields available with a citation.
Citations in XML format - includes all fields in XML format. Click here to view a Document Type Definition file for a description of each of the XML tags.
Citations in BibTeX format - includes citation fields in BibTeX format.
Citations in MARC21 format - includes citation fields in MARC21 format.
Direct Export to RefWorks - exports citations directly to RefWorks web-based bibliographic management software. (Your library must have a subscription to RefWorks to use this option. You must also set your browser to accept pop-ups.)
Direct Export to EndNote™ Web - includes those fields supported by ISI's Direct Export technology for exporting to EndNote Web.
Direct Export to EasyBib - exports citations directly to EasyBib bibliographic management software.
Download CSV - saves citations to your computer as a CSV file.
Click Save.
If you saved your citations in a format that can be uploaded to bibliographic management software, the articles and citations are displayed in your browser window. Save from your browser window. Be sure to enter the path where the file should be saved (for example, C:ProjectResearchInfo). To save to a floppy disk, enter the path to the floppy drive (for example, A:ResearchInfo). Be sure to save as an HTML or text file. Click Save.
If you saved in Direct Export format and bibliographic management software (such as ProCite or EndNote) is installed on your computer, that software should automatically open. You should be able to indicate whether to add the citations in the export.txt file to a new or existing citation library.
Source: EBSCO Support
ProQuest databases include:
ABI/INFORM Collection
Ebook Central (via Proquest)
ProQuest (Multi-Database Search)
ProQuest Research Library
Statistical Insight
US Major Dailies
If you are using Zotero, you can download a Chrome extension that will easily create a citation for all articles once you open the article and click the icon.
To export references from ProQuest databases to your Zotero, EndNote, or Mendeley, follow these steps:
Open up the article that you would like to export into your citation manager.
On the right-hand side of the page, click on the elipses and select Cite.
Click on the Button that says EndNote, Citavi, etc.
Click continue.
*It should be noted that it is very easy to use Chrome Extensions with ProQuest, alleviating the need for these steps in favor of a single button operation.*