Mission statement from website: "APICS The Association for Operations Management is the global leader and premier source of the body of knowledge in operations management, including production, inventory, supply chain, materials management, purchasing, and logistics.
Vision statement: "CSMP is the preeminent worldwide professional association of supply chain management professionals.
From website: "The Institute for Supply Management™ (ISM) is the largest supply management association in the world as well as one of the most respected. ISM’s mission is to lead the supply management profession through its standards of excellence, research, promotional activities, and education..."
From website: We serve practitioners and organizations with standards that describe good practices, globally recognized credentials that certify project management expertise, and resources for professional development, networking and community.
An online forum about supply chains.
Supply Chain Digest is the industry's most valuable supply chain management and logistics publication. Supply Chain Digest is a weekly, on-line newsletter with lively information, news and commentary that summarizes and synthesizes important information for busy supply chain and logistics professionals.
From website: "WERC offers resources that help distribution professionals stay at the leading edge including educational events, performance metrics for benchmarking, practical research, expert insights and peer-to-peer knowledge exchange."