Your research topic will determine the selection of sources and data you need.
This research guide provides many links to data sources, but you may also find additional options within other research guides related to you topic.
Download data sets from executive branch agencies in a variety of formats.
United States' primary source for criminal justice statistics on all aspects of criminal justice in the U.S. at the state, federal, and tribal levels.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) is the principal fact-finding agency for the Federal Government in the broad field of labor economics and statistics. Reports and other products provided cover a broad range of topics including the U.S. labor market, economy, and society.
All aspects of travel and transportation within and into the U.S. including personal, public transportation, and freight. Data covers air, sea, and land transportation.
Official source for spending data for the U.S. Government. Shows what and how the federal government spends every year. Follow the money from the Congressional appropriations to the federal agencies and down to local communities and businesses. FAQs
Free and open access to global development data. Getting Started