Marijuana (Cannabis) - Encyclopedia of Drugs, Alcohol & Addictive Behavior (Vol. 3. 3rd ed.)Marijuana is the most common name used in the United States for the Cannabis sativa plant, which is one variety of the cannabis or hemp plant family. Cannabis is the more appropriate scientific term and the more common term used throughout the world to refer to the various psychoactive products derived from the Cannabis sativa plant that are used by humans to alter their state of mind. Slang terms for marijuana and other psychoactive products derived from Cannabis sativa change over time but some stable and more current terms include: weed, pot, herb, grass, reefer, Mary Jane, dagga, bhang, Aunt Mary, skunk, boom, gangster, kif, ganja, hashish, and hash oil. Cannabis remains in the early twenty-first century the most widely used illicit substance in the United States and in most other developed countries that regulate marijuana. Between the late 1960s and 2008, marijuana use has generated continued controversy regarding its addictive potential, health consequences, potential for medical use, and legal status.