United Nations treaty collection [electronic resource] = Collection des traités des Nations unies
Treaty series [electronic resource] / League of Nations
Treaty series : publications of treaties and international engagements registered with the Secretariat of the League
The Consolidated treaty series / edited and annotated by Clive Parry.
Treaties and other international acts series
Treaties and other international agreements of the United States of America, 1776-1949 / compiled under the direction of Charles I. Bevans.
Treaties, conventions, international acts, protocols and agreements between the United States of America and other powers, 1776-1909.
Treaties, conventions, international acts, protocols and agreements between the United States of America and other powers [electronic resource] 1910-1938
Treaties and other international agreements : the role of the United States Senate : a study / prepared for the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, by the Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress