This page contains Supreme Court resources available on subscription databases, available to GGU law students. Westlaw, Lexis, and Bloomberg Law require individual passwords. The other databases included here are accessible through our LibGuide on our databases. After you select the database you want to access, you will be prompted to enter your GGU4YOU login information.
Westlaw Classic has multiple databases that are helpful for Supreme Court Research, searchable with natural language or terms and connectors. Some of them are listed below. To search a particular database, enter the database identifier (in parentheses after the name of the database below) into the "Search for a database" box on Westlaw Classic's home screen.
All U.S. Supreme Court Cases (SCT) database contains Supreme Court Opinions from 1790 to the present.
U.S. Supreme Court Briefs (SCT-BRIEF) contains both Merit and Amicus Briefs filed with the Supreme Court from 1930; a limited number of selected older briefs may be included.
Petition for Writ of Certiorari to the US Supreme Court (SCT-PETITION) contains petitions for writs of certiorari and related documents, such as briefs in opposition and support of the petitions and amicus briefs. Selected coverage begins in 1877.
United States Supreme Court Actions (USSCACT) contains US Supreme Court Actions Newsletter, a bi-weekly update of recent Supreme Court actions and decisions, from April 2003 forward.
Dockets - U.S. Supreme Court (DOCK-SCT) contains docket information on active and inactive cases filed in the US Supreme Court, from 2000 to present.
Transcripts of U.S. Supreme Court Oral Arguments (SCT-ORALARG) contains transcripts of oral arguments in cases heard by the Court from 1990 to present.
Supreme Court Nominee Confirmation Hearings (SCT-CONFIRM) contains transcripts of confirmation hearings of United States Supreme Court Justice Nominees beginning in 1971. has many databases for US Supreme Court research. From the home screen, under "Quick Tools," type the name of the database and click "Find a Source." All databases are searchable with natural language or terms and connectors.
U.S. Supreme Court Cases, Lawyers' Edition contains opinions from 1790 to present.
U.S. Supreme Court Briefs contains both merit and amicus briefs for cases granted certiorari from 1936 through current.
U.S. Supreme Court Transcripts contains transcripts of oral arguments from 1979 through current.
The Supreme Court Review contains the full text of documents that are dedicated to the scholarly review of issues related to Supreme Court jurisprudence. Coverage is from 1996 through current.