You might miss out on important information if you only use Discovery. While it's a great idea to start your research using Discovery, not all of the library's databases are findable using this tool. In addition, the library databases are best searched directly so that you can use the specialized search features of each platform. Below is a list of databases that are findable in Discovery.
You might miss out on important information if you only use Discovery. While it's a great idea to start your research using Discovery, not all of the library's databases are findable using this tool. In addition, the library databases are best searched directly so that you can use the specialized search features of each platform. Below is a list of databases that are NOT findable in Discovery.
Weekly news and job information for college and university faculty members, administrators, and students. Includes the Annual Almanac of Higher Education.
Annual company reports, ratio data, executive information, analyst reports, SWOT analyses, credit ratings and recent developments. Also includes, industry reports. Help Guide
Research top employers, career advice (resumes, interviewing), career guides (e.g., Advertising/Marketing) and internships. New users import your information from your LinkedIn account or create a new account using your GGU email and personal and work experience information. User Training & Support