The University Library provides access to a wide variety of faculty resources. All current adjuncts are entitled to access these resources. Be sure to check out our Faculty Resources page for all of the services we offer - in most cases, adjunct faculty are entitled to the same services that we provide to full-time faculty.
Adjunct Faculty may borrow books for a two week period at a time. If you would like to borrow books, you must present your GGU ID at the Circulation Desk for processing. Books returned late may be charged a fee for overdue materials. Non-circulating books can not be check out by adjunct faculty. If an adjunct faculty need an item that the Library does not own, the faculty member can obtain the item through ILL. ILL generally takes 10 business days to arrive at the Law School. Please be mindful that it is up to the lending library to fill or decline the request. Each ILL library reserves the right to recall materials.
To place a request for ILL, please fill out the ILL request form.