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Investment Research: Research Databases

Financial databases

Morningstar Investment Research Center - Real-time access to comprehensive data and independent analysis on thousands of investments, spanning mutual funds, stocks, exchange-traded funds, and closed-end funds.

S&P Global NetAdvantage - Standard and Poor's in-depth company and industry research. Evaluate performance, analyze financials, and gather market data. Industry Surveys, Analysts’ Handbook and The Outlook publications are also available.

Mergent Online - Global company financials, descriptions, history, property, subsidiaries' officers and directors, long-term debt and capital stock information.

Value Line Investment Survey - Plus - Search a vast array of financial measures for over 6,000 stocks, 18,000 mutual funds, 200,000 options, and other securities. Delve into Value Line’s accurate estimates, projections and historical data to discover opportunities that fit your investment strategy.

Working papers

IDEAS - IDEAS is the largest bibliographic database dedicated to Economics and available freely on the Internet. Based on RePEc, it indexes over 4,700,000 items of research, including over 4,200,000 that can be downloaded in full text.

Social Science Research Network (SSRN) eLibrary Provides over 900,000 research papers in the social sciences (including business) from over 470,000 researchers in more than 50 disciplines.

National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) - Unbiased economic research for public policymakers, business professionals and the academic community.

Dissertations & Theses (via ProQuest) - Millions of searchable citations to dissertations and theses from 1861 to the present day. Full text for most of the dissertations added since 1997. Add "golden gate university" to the University/institution search bar to limit GGU dissertations and theses.