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Alerts & Feeds: Getting Started

This guide explains how to set up common "push technologies" such as Google Alerts, RSS feeds, and alerts in library database.

Getting Started

This guide explains how you can stay current using "push technology" -- that is, by setting up feeds and alerts so that information comes to you, rather than you having to repeat searches for topics of interest. 

The two most common ways of doing this are:
  1. RSS ("Really Simple Syndication"): You set up a reader and subscribe to feeds. Basic tutorial.

  2. Alerts: You set up search alerts or table of contents that will be sent to you by email. This does mean more email, but on the plus side you will receive information in a place that you already check regularly. You can set up folders and rules to keep your inbox under control.

Why should you use alerts and RSS feeds?

RSS feeds and email alerts can help you find out about new literature in your field.

  • New results based on your research criteria
  • Table of contents from new issues of your favorite journals
  • New articles on your specific research topic