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Social Media

The term social media refers to technologies, platforms, and services that enable individuals to engage in communication from one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many.

Media convergence. (2019). In Encyclopædia Britannica.

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Mobile Marketing

Mobile Marketing is a set of practices that enables organizations to communicate and engage with their audience in an interactive and relevant manner through and with any mobile device or network.

Mobile Marketing Association

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What Is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is the use of the Internet, mobile devices, social media, search engines, and other channels to reach consumers. Some marketing experts consider digital marketing to be an entirely new endeavor that requires a new way of approaching customers and new ways of understanding how customers behave compared to traditional marketing.

Barone, A. (2020). Digital marketing. Investopedia.


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Pew Research Center

Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the United States and the world. PRC conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, content analysis and other data-driven social science research. (About PRC)

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  • Internet & Technology
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  • Social Trends